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Relief Is Only A Phone Call Away
Tip of the Month
February 2002
Relief Is Only A Phone Call Away
So, Taxes are No Game?
Well, the IRS doesnât agree. Try the Braintaxer, an online, interactive game for the avid taxpayer. Pit your wits against Mr. Toby Rich, Ms. Penny Wise, and the lovely Gigi Mall. And what do you win? Well, they didnât go so far as to disburse tax credits for correct answers, but we bet youâll wind up knowing a heck of a lot more about taxes than when you started.
Is The Internet Secure? Get over it.
I suppose innovations are often, if not always, viewed with suspicion. Such as the Model T by the horse and buggy person, the flying machines by the earth-minded. Such seems to be the case with the security of the Internet by the paper-minded. The IRS is eager to have as many people as possible file their taxes electronically. Why? Itâs easier, faster, just as secure (I hope thatâs right) and it costs YOU, the taxpayer, less money. For more information you can click here to go to the IRS e-file page page where they will tell you all about it. Live a little.
Cool Withholding Calculator
If you are an employee and you want to figure out your withholding or youâre an employer who wants to do a little quick figuring, check out the IRS Withholding Calculator. Here you can put in your information (but donât worry, it doesnât save your information) and figure out what your withholding is likely to be. Itâs fun. Itâs accurate. Itâs free. What more do you want?
These articles are intended to provide general resources for the tax and accounting needs of small businesses and individuals. Service2Client LLC is the author, but is not engaged in rendering specific legal, accounting, financial or professional advice. Service2Client LLC makes no representation that the recommendations of Service2Client LLC will achieve any result. The NSAD has not reviewed any of the Service2Client LLC content. Readers are encouraged to contact their CPA regarding the topics in these articles.
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