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TAXES - Your Tax Return
TAXES - Your Tax Return "Whose Responsibility Is It?" Reboot
December 2022
This article is not for those of you who prepare your own tax returns. Let us face it when you prepare your own return, you are responsible for what is, or is not, included on the forms....
TAXES - 2020 Vs 2021 Vs 2022 Federal Income Tax Brackets
TAXES - 2020 Vs 2021 Vs 2022 Federal Income Tax Brackets
September 2022
The US tax system is progressive, meaning that the more you earn the more you pay. For the years 2020-2022 there are seven different brackets for each year....
March 2020
On March 25, 2020, the Senate voted unanimously to enact stimulus legislation in order to provide economic relief to individuals and businesses considering the Coronavirus pandemic....
TAXES - 2020 Tax Brackets, Deductions, Plus More
TAXES - 2020 Tax Brackets, Deductions, Plus More
January 2020
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2020, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has new annual inflation adjustments for tax rates, brackets, deductions and retirement contribution limits. Note, the amounts...
BUSINESS GROWTH - 8 Ways To Improve Website Ranking
BUSINESS GROWTH - 8 Ways To Improve Website Ranking
August 2019
Your accounting firm finally has a website, well done! But, you can not sit back and wait for your target audience or clientele to stumble on your website by chance....
BUSINESS GROWTH - Why Company Logos are so Important
BUSINESS GROWTH - Why Company Logos are so Important
Current Month
Want a successful business? Simply establish a strong identity. But, whats a logo got to do with it? Well, its all about visual branding. Remember the common phrase a picture is worth a thousand words...
BUSINESS GROWTH - Tips on Running an Effective Email Marketing Campaign
BUSINESS GROWTH - Tips on Running an Effective Email Marketing Campaign
Current Month
According to Statista, of the globe's 3.7 billion email users, 233 million live in America. The same report also projected that by the end of 2020, the number of email users in the United States will...
TAXES - IRS Releases New Projected 2019 Tax Rates, Brackets and More
TAXES - IRS Releases New Projected 2019 Tax Rates, Brackets and More
November 2018
Bloomberg recently released projected tax rates, brackets and other numbers that apply to the 2019 tax year (the IRS will release the official numbers later this year). Note, these...
TAXES - 2017 vs. 2018 Federal Income Tax Brackets
Current Month
2017 vs. 2018 Federal Income Tax Brackets" - New Federal Income Tax Brackets 2017 - Tax Brackets 2018 comparison charts......
BUSINESS GROWTH - How to Build Trust with Customers Online
BUSINESS GROWTH - How to Build Trust with Customers Online
Current Month
When it comes to selling online, gaining users’ trust is a serious matter for businesses. Based on a July 2015 poll from the U.S. Census Bureau and the National Telecommunications and Information......
EXECUTIVE - Everyone's an Owner
EXECUTIVE - Everyone's an Owner
Current Month
Some experts are predicting that the recent tax legislation will create a ton of new business creation and activity – just not the kind that lawmakers originally intended. These people are predicting......
BUSINESS GROWTH - Small Business Embracing Chatbot Technology
BUSINESS GROWTH - Small Business Embracing Chatbot Technology
Current Month
In the past, small business owners sometimes lacked the resources – both financial and human – to capitalize upon the latest productivity and customer service technologies. Fortunately, the......
BUSINESS GROWTH - How to Value and Sell a Website Effectively
BUSINESS GROWTH - How to Value and Sell a Website Effectively
Current Month
Whether a business owner wants to sell a website or he has been approached by an individual expressing interest in purchasing it, understanding what it's worth is essential to a fair sale for everyone involved...
BUSINESS GROWTH - Strategies to Run a Localized and Location-Based Marketing Campaign
BUSINESS GROWTH - Strategies to Run a Localized and Location-Based Marketing Campaign
Current Month
The potential for localized and location-based marketing is high – especially with estimates of retail sales from “beacon-triggered messages”, which grew from $4.1 billion to $44.4 billion between 2015 and......
TAXES - Yes, You Can Lower Your Property Taxes
TAXES - Yes, You Can Lower Your Property Taxes
Current Month
You can pay off your mortgage, never again seeing a bill from the bank for principal or interest, but you can never pay off your property taxes. Property taxes also, unfortunately, only seem to go one way...
BUSINESS GROWTH - How to Select the Right Domain Name
BUSINESS GROWTH - How to Select the Right Domain Name
Current Month
When it comes to selecting a domain name, there’s more than just registration involved. Selecting the right domain name involves a lot of consideration. This includes making sure it represents the company and its...
INVESTING - Managing Financial Risk in the New World
INVESTING - Managing Financial Risk in the New World
Current Month
Managing Risk - What a difference just a few years, a few weeks, or even a few Tweets can make. Ever since the turn of the century we've experienced a rapid boom in technology, the real estate and banking collapse, one of the...
EXECUTIVE - Business Leases: Essential Elements to Have (and Avoid)
EXECUTIVE - Business Leases: Essential Elements to Have (and Avoid)
Current Month
Whether for a first-time commercial lease or if it's time to move to a bigger and better building with a new business lease, understanding all of the elements in the contract can avoid a lot of potential problems down the...
EXECUTIVE - Handling Negative Online Reviews
EXECUTIVE - Handling Negative Online Reviews
Current Month
If you have a business that deals with the public, it is almost inevitable that you’ll get a negative online review at some point. To a small business owner, a highly critical review can be alarming,...
INVESTING - Reverse Mortgage Update: Pros and Cons
INVESTING - Reverse Mortgage Update: Pros and Cons
Current Month
By 2030, one in five Americans will be 65 or older. Among today’s retirees, 87 percent say they want to stay in their current home and community as they age. It’s easy to imagine those numbers will increase by...
BUSINESS GROWTH - Branding Considerations: What goes into the Naming Process?
BUSINESS GROWTH - Branding Considerations: What goes into the Naming Process?
Current Month
One of the first steps in conceptualizing and building a business is branding. An important component in branding a business is creating a name that makes a great first and lasting impression. For many startups,...
BUYING STUFF - Should I Refinance Again?
BUYING STUFF - Should I Refinance Again?
Current Month
Refinancing is a matter of crunching the numbers. The real question is, will it save you money? The answer lies in several factors, such as the new interest rate, the new mortgage term,...
INVESTING - How Behavioral Finance Impacts Personal Investing
INVESTING - How Behavioral Finance Impacts Personal Investing
Current Month
Financial planning can be intimidating, but personal financial planning is more like a puzzle you have to work out. That's because traditional finance assumes that markets are......
INVESTING - Planning for Rising Interest Rates
INVESTING - Planning for Rising Interest Rates
Current Month
For several months, the Federal Reserve Board has hinted that it will begin to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it sees progress toward its objectives of...
BUSINESS GROWTH - Does Your Business Need a Mobile App?
BUSINESS GROWTH - Does Your Business Need a Mobile App?
Current Month
If the Pew Research Center's findings from its Mobile Technology Fact Sheet are any indication of mobile device usage, your business should consider developing a mobile app....
BUSINESS GROWTH - Marketing To Millennials: What Works?
BUSINESS GROWTH - Marketing To Millennials: What Works?
Current Month
As the Pew Research Center points out, the millennial population is expected to hit and exceed the 75 million mark. As one of America's largest upcoming demographics, business...
TAXES - 8 Things that Could Trigger a Business Audit
TAXES - 8 Things that Could Trigger a Business Audit
Current Month
Whether you're doing taxes for your own business or a client's business, the small - but real - possibility exists for an......
BUSINESS GROWTH - Creating Demand or Responding with Supply: How to Engage?
BUSINESS GROWTH - Creating Demand or Responding with Supply: How to Engage?
Current Month
Whether your business is a startup or is looking to expand or diversify with a new product or service, how do you know what you need to do...
TAXES - Taxpayer Bill Of Rights
TAXES - Taxpayer Bill Of Rights
Current Month
Most people think that they are at the mercy of the IRS. They think they have no rights whatsoever - but they are wrong. Taxpayers have always had certain rights in dealing with...
BUYING STUFF - Making the Best Choice: Should You Rent or Buy Your Next Home?
BUYING STUFF - Making the Best Choice: Should You Rent or Buy Your Next Home?
Current Month
Most people see owning a home as a milestone; a marker of success; an important step in settling down and gaining stability. Should You Rent or Buy Your Next Home?...
FAMILY - Planning Your Wedding: Important Early Steps
FAMILY - Planning Your Wedding: Important Early Steps
Current Month
Planning a wedding can be complicated - even more so than you probably realize at first - but by tackling the most important steps as early as possible, you'll save...
FAMILY - Plan a Stress-Free Family Vacation
FAMILY - Plan a Stress-Free Family Vacation
Current Month
Did last year's family vacation create more stress than it was worth? Vacations should be a time to rest and relax, but poor planning and a hectic pace can make you want to retreat...
BUYING STUFF - Common-Sense Tactics for Getting the Best Deal on a New Car
BUYING STUFF - Common-Sense Tactics for Getting the Best Deal on a New Car
Current Month
Buying a new car is a big purchase - second only to a new home - and the process can be stressful, intimidating and confusing. Negotiating...
FAMILY - Five Basic Financial Tips for Young Couples
FAMILY - Five Basic Financial Tips for Young Couples
Current Month
For young couples starting out, money can be tight. Most likely, you're starting a new career or a family; paying back college loans; or simply suffering though...
EXECUTIVE - Six Simple Steps to Starting Your Own Business
EXECUTIVE - Six Simple Steps to Starting Your Own Business
Current Month
Owning a business is a dream that can become a nightmare without adequate planning. But if you follow some simple steps, a business can...
BUYING STUFF - 5 Ways to Prepare to Buy a Home
BUYING STUFF - 5 Ways to Prepare to Buy a Home
Current Month
This is a good year for buying a home, as prices are beginning to rise, interest rates are still low, and homeowner tax breaks are still available. To help...
BUYING STUFF - How to Beat Credit Card Debt in 7 Simple Steps
BUYING STUFF - How to Beat Credit Card Debt in 7 Simple Steps
Current Month
The first step toward beating credit card debt is to keep it from happening in the first place. But if you are already overwhelmed with monthly credit card payments, there are...
TAXES - Property Taxes: How to Pay Only What You Owe On What You Own
TAXES - Property Taxes: How to Pay Only What You Owe On What You Own
Current Month
Even seasoned homeowners might shudder a little when their property tax bill arrives, but there are steps you can take to make sure you don't pay more than necessary. All it...
TAXES - Things to Know Before Applying for Social Security Benefits
TAXES - Things to Know Before Applying for Social Security Benefits
Current Month
Social Security benefits are largely funded by today's workers via payroll taxes. However, the number of retired workers is projected to double in less than 30 years. Furthermore, the...
INSURANCE - How to Plan For a Long Life with Longevity Insurance
INSURANCE - How to Plan For a Long Life with Longevity Insurance
Current Month
People are living longer than ever, but that doesn't mean they are healthier. While modern medical science has done much to lengthen life spans, it has been less effective at preventing chronic...
BUYING STUFF - Young and In Debt: What Should You Do?
BUYING STUFF - Young and In Debt: What Should You Do?
Current Month
Members of the so-called Generation Y are in over their heads. A new online survey by The PNC Financial Services Group shows that people in their 20s are carrying record debt, averaging $45,000 across the age range of...
TAXES - Record Retention Guidelines
TAXES - Record Retention Guidelines
Current Month
Record Retention Guidelines - When deciding upon a firm's record retention procedures, it would be wise to consult federal and IRS...
EXECUTIVE - Choosing the Right Corporation
EXECUTIVE - Choosing the Right Corporation
Current Month
If you're like most owners of growing firms, you might wonder about the best way to protect your personal assets and conduct your daily activities. For some...
FAMILY - How to Teach Your Kids About Money
FAMILY - How to Teach Your Kids About Money
Current Month
Older generations were taught to save for a rainy day but the concept of saving for a rainy day or for an emergency or for anything unforeseen was lost on the younger generations. If your children are at a learning age......
INSURANCE - Homeowner's Insurance - Are You Really Covered?
INSURANCE - Homeowner's Insurance - Are You Really Covered?
Current Month
As a homeowner, you probably do everything you can to protect your home, from taking care of maintenance items to locking the door when you leave, but how often do you check the...
FAMILY - Reverse Mortgages: Easy to get, but worth  the price?
FAMILY - Reverse Mortgages: Easy to get, but worth the price?
Current Month
Every so often, the topic du jour for financial planning is the reverse mortgage, especially when interest rates are low and older people find themselves in need of easily attainable sources of...
FAMILY - Developing A Family Budget
FAMILY - Developing A Family Budget
Current Month
It no secret that the U.S. economy is going through a great deal of upheaval these days. With the government taking control of the two largest funders of home mortgages, and major Wall Street players...



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