Here we are in yet another new year. The obligations and celebrations are over. Chances are, you’ve spent a fair amount over the holidays and might need a plan to help kickstart 2025 with some actionable financial...
5 New Year's Financial Resolutions You Can Actually Keep
December, 2024
Yep, it’s the end of another year! Chances are, you didn’t keep every resolution you made last year; for example, those goals about working out. (No shame here; we all do this!) However, the good...
It’s that time of year again. Halloween has just come and gone – and now we’re hurtling headlong into Thanksgiving and Christmas. For holiday shopping, it’s tempting to turn a blind eye and put everything on your...
Drafting a will is not something that people, for the most part, want to think about. But no one gets out of life alive. So if you want to have a say in what happens to your property and assets after you’re gone, a...
School Choices that Lead to Financial Independence
August, 2024
For many parents and kids, living independently after college or trade school has been a challenge – a big one, thanks to rising inflation, student debt, and high rent. However, whether your kids are headed for a university or a hands-on...
Since it’s summer and reading lists are top of mind, now’s the perfect time to expand your knowledge of money management and wealth building. So, whether you’re a retiree, a beginning saver or even a...
There are probably few things as exciting and daunting as becoming a new dad, especially when it comes to finances. But we’ve got you! Here are a few tips to help you turn those challenges into opportunities...
Gosh, it feels great to get that tax refund. Dreams of a much-needed vacation or a splurge on something you’ve been craving might be running through your mind. However, as unexciting as this sounds, you might want to spend this...
April is Financial Literacy Month: How Much Do You Know?
April, 2024
What started as Youth Financial Literacy Day some years ago is now a monthlong event: Financial Literacy Month. It all started in 2003, when some U.S. legislators got together and...
Ready or not, spring is right around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to get in fiscal shape for the rest of the year. However, tax preparation isn’t the only thing to put on your list. Here...
January has come and gone. You may or may not have stuck to your resolutions, but the good news is that February is here. Now is the perfect time to hunker down and get your monetary ducks in a row. Here are a few things to put on your...
How a No-Spend January Can Kickstart Your New Year
January, 2024
Here we go again. The new year is approaching and those resolutions are staring us in the face – and the most common? Saving money. In fact, according to...
Unless you’re near retirement, chances are you’re depositing a certain amount of cash each year in your IRA at tax time, then kind of forgetting about it, not thinking much about it until the next year. This dynamic can cost you a lot of...
Next year, something called Peak 65 is happening. This moniker refers to the fact that more Americans will reach the traditional retirement age of 65 in the same year than at any time in history. Crazy...
Since tax time isn’t until next April, organizing your documents right about now might not be top of mind, or even something you want to do. However, if you don’t want to have to scramble come springtime, you might want to...
Even though numbers are probably the biggest thing in an accountant’s wheelhouse, getting people in the door with the right words in your bio can make all the difference in the world. Here are a few tips...
In light of our current economy, making sure your money works hard for you is one of the best things to do this year. Here are some ways you can navigate your financial situation, keep tabs on where you are and adjust if you need to...
The thrill of summer travel is always invigorating, but the prices to get there can be a real bummer. But not to fear. We’re here with some smart tips that will help you navigate in this price jungle and have...
Summer is here and so are all the activities. But as we know, these activities cost money. Here are a few ways you can still have fun and, while doing so, save some cash...
It’s that time of year again: tax time. And while many of your money-saving options might be limited after Dec. 31, there’s still a lot you can do to help lower your taxes, save money and avoid penalties. Here’s a quick...
The idea of starting your own business is inherently romantic, if not exhilarating: You get to run the show, flesh out your ideas and live your dream. But where do you begin? Here are seven smart steps to get you started – and help...
Why You Might Not Need a New Budget for the New Year
February, 2023
So, we’re a month into 2023 and the sheen might’ve dulled from all your shiny, New Year’s resolutions. Though diet and exercise are the top things you might want to change, there’s one you might not need to...
For the most part, New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep because many times you either list too many things or ones that aren’t manageable for the long haul – especially those that involve money. Here are...
Believe it or not, the year is coming to a close. If you want to finish strong and set attainable goals for 2023, here’s a handy, actionable checklist to help you navigate upcoming expenditures...
There’s no better time than the holidays to show your employees and your clients how much you appreciate them. Here are five simple steps to help you craft the perfect email in no time...
Fall is here and so are many of the holidays we love. Whether it’s Halloween, Thanksgiving or December holidays, here are some fail-safe things you can do to make sure everyone shows up and has a good time...
In our current economy, or anytime actually, it can’t hurt to have a side hustle to bring in extra cash. Some of these options can be quite lucrative, but like everything, it takes a little work to create a steady income stream...
Even though summer is still somewhat in full swing, school will be starting soon. Yes, you heard that right. This means that you probably need to get prepared for the inevitable cash outlay ahead. But it doesn’t have to...
We’re all feeling the pain at the pump. Unless you decide to walk, bike or take public transportation, you might feel stuck. But all is not lost. Here are some fuel-efficient driving techniques that can help you save hundreds of dollars...
You love summer, don’t you? School’s out and BBQs are on. But what you probably don’t love are those higher air conditioning bills. Here are some tried-and-true ways to help lower the cost of keeping cool...
If you think saving money is a waste of time, think again. It all comes down to having the right mindset and strategy – even if you don’t have a penny to spare. Here are some ground rules that have proven effective...
You may or may not have heard of the 50/30/20 budgeting rule, but it’s a good one – one that will help make organizing your finances a lot simpler. The basic idea is to divide up your after-tax income and allocate...
Taking over your aging parents’ finances is not easy. But it’s something that can be handled in an organized, compassionate way. Here’s a roadmap that shows how to embrace it and do the right things for everyone...
According to statistics from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), employer-budgeted healthcare costs increased to an average of $12,792 per employee in 2021. Employees can help keep...
Believe it or not, the New Year is here. If you’re trying to wrap your head around everything that’s ahead, one of the best things you can do is prepare yourself financially. Here are a few...
The holidays are a season of giving. While much of this involves financial expenditures, you can also give in ways that are more affordable and may hold more meaning. Here are some suggestions...
So you want to save for a down payment for your dream house, but you aren’t sure how to get there. It might even feel overwhelming. But take heart, here are some tried and true methods that you can start today that will...
If you’re 40 or 50 and aren’t where you’d like to be in terms of saving for retirement, don’t despair. You can remedy this situation. And since people are living well into their 80s and 90s, it’s never...
You’ve got loads of experience in your field. You know things that only time can teach you. However, all of your experience and knowledge can sometimes work against you. And even though age discrimination is...
Slowly, our world is changing. A percentage of the population has been vaccinated and many employees are headed back to the office. However, this may cause a bit of anxiety – and understandably so. Here are few...
Let’s face it. Saving money is a challenge at best – and really hard the rest of the time. But what if you made it a fun game to inspire yourself to save? Here are a few ways to do just that...
If you’re scratching your head and wondering if we’ve lost our minds, please keep reading. You can do this. All you need to do is plan your steps – and stick to it. After all, Confucius says, “A...
What if you could save enough for your child to go to college debt-free? It might sound impossible, but with dedication, hard work and careful planning, you can do just that. According to Dave Ramsey...
5 Cities Rank as Ideal Locations for Remote Workers
March, 2021
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, in late spring of 2020 about half of American workers were working from home. Not surprisingly, many researchers believe that this pattern will continue after the pandemic is over. With...
Right now with everything that’s going on, navigating your finances might feel overwhelming. However, there are some strategies that will help you manage cash shortfalls. Mariel Beasley of Duke University’s Common Cents Lab...
Roth IRAs can be a powerful tax tool, but they are often misunderstood and misused. Investment income in Roth IRAs compound tax-free, and most distributions are tax-free as well. Another benefit is...
We’re living in unprecedented, challenging times. If you’re feeling stressed and scared, you’re not alone. However, there is a way to navigate through all of this uncertainty: gratitude...
Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19, many schools across America have transitioned to at-home learning. This alone presents a whole new set of challenges for parents, not the least of which is figuring...
If you’re anxious about sending your children back to school, you’re not alone. In fact, a recent poll from ABC News/Ipsos showed that 45 percent of parents don’t want their kids in...
The impact of COVID-19 has caused many Americans to suffer hardships, one of which is struggling to make ends meet. But take heart; there are solutions. Here are a few areas in which creditors are working...
Even though unemployment is still relatively high, there are still some great part-time jobs you can do that will help cover basic expenses. Here’s a list of the industries that are hiring right now...
Due to the unprecedented effects of COVID-19, the line between our professional and personal lives has blurred. Trying to take care of job responsibilities from home requires new ways of navigating. Here are a few ideas to help you...
During to the government shutdown as a result of COVID-19, sadly, millions have lost their jobs. However, there is a silver lining: there are some industries that, because of the shutdown, are actually...
The effect of the coronavirus on our lives is unprecedented. While we’re all sheltering in place while trying to manage our daily tasks, it’s undoubtedly taking a toll on us mentally, physically...
These days, you can’t be too careful when it comes to investments. And if you’re older, you’re a prime target for fraudsters. That said, anyone of any age is vulnerable. Here are a few key...
For the most part, smartphones are your lifeline to the world. You connect with friends and family, shop and update your status on social media. However, you also store all your personal information on them and, these days, use them to do your...
4 Financial New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Keep
January, 2020
Believe it or not, it’s 2020. You’re not just starting a new year, you’re entering a new decade. With this in mind, you might want to make some resolutions that focus on your finances...
It may be hard to believe, but the end of the year is upon us. During this time, many of us might reflect on the year and tally up the good and the bad, the pros and the cons of the past 12 months. In a society that focuses...
Believe it or not, the holidays are right around the corner. And try as you might, overspending is real – whether you plan ahead or wait until the last minute. With this in mind, here are a few ways to get a handle...
No matter how old your children are, it’s always a good idea to start saving for college as soon as possible. (Yes, even when they’re still in diapers.) This might sound overwhelming, especially...
Just when you’ve finished spending a bunch on swimsuits and stuff for grilling out, summer’s over and it’s time for the kids the head back to school. How did this happen? Here are some...
It’s never too early to helps kids understand accounting – the concepts of earning and spending. Here are a few ways to teach your little ones about how money works and even have a little fun...
New from Apple: iPhone iOS 13 Upgrades, All-New Mac Pro
July, 2019
During its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 3, Apple introduced a lot of new technology. Here, we will have a look at iPhone iOS13 upgrades and the all-new Mac Pro...
Summer is here and it’s time for getting out of town. However, you don’t want to set off on the open road without a plan. While there are an endless number of places to visit across the United States, here...
Yes, tax season is officially over. And you might be kicking back and relaxing, putting off thinking about next year’s taxes as long as you can. However, smart taxpayers know that the more...
The tax deadline is roughly two weeks away. But if you’re going to be late in filing, can’t pay all of what you owe or have the fear that you might be audited, don’t panic. We’ve got...
Getting a tax refund is always a great feeling. But what should you do with it? While the first thing you might be tempted to do is spend it on a splurge for yourself, here are a few other things you might want...
Filing taxes for the first time can be overwhelming. But if you have the right tools and advice before you start, it won’t be. Here are a few critical things to know before you begin, which will make the seemingly...
New Year’s resolutions usually involve stopping things like eating, drinking and spending too much – and so on. You know the drill. However, according to U.S. News & World Report...
Despite the never-ending flurry of merry salutations, the holidays can be emotionally challenging — if not downright depressing. Here are a few practical ways to take care of yourself...
Top 5 Latest Tech Advances That Help Heal Our World
November 2018
As much as we lament how fast things change in the tech world, there is an upside when it comes to treating diseases and chronic conditions. Here are some of the coolest new devices showing how...
You’ve just lost your phone and you’re in full-on panic mode. When you locate said electronic device, all is well. You heave a sigh of relief. All of this begs the question: Why and how have we become so...
According to Dr. James Levine, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic, sitting is the new smoking. In his study that spanned 15 years, it was determined that spending more than six hours a day on your behind...
While social media can be an easy, wonderful way to keep in touch with friends, a means of support and a window into what’s going on in the world, there are downsides for kids of which...
Brick and mortar versus the virtual office. It’s a dynamic that’s been ongoing for a couple of decades. But you might be wondering: how much has the traditional office really changed...
Artificial Intelligence, otherwise known as AI, is not something that exists only in science fiction or Hollywood movies. It’s here. And it’s changing the way accountants are doing business. Here’s how and why....
When it comes to the workplace, teamwork is an important part of any organization’s ability to accomplish goals. However, creating an effective team is not easy. Based on a survey from McKinsey &...
Although tax filing season has been officially open only since Jan. 29, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is warning that reports of refund scams are already skyrocketing. Here’s an overview...
Body language, good handshake, eye contact, smile, posture, engaged, slouching, ill at ease, defensive, head nodding, empathizing, hand gestures, make a point, study expressions and mannerisms, improve effectiveness...
In the wake of the New Year, many of us burden ourselves with a laundry list of resolutions to do things differently and to improve upon our personal and professional goals. For many entrepreneurs, a new year...
Congress’ recent tax reform bill, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, aims to lower taxes on corporations and companies. The GOP believes that lower taxes will help American companies to be more competitive and,...
Call it ironic that on the very day Equifax went public with news of its massive data breach, Congress was holding hearings on reducing the regulations imposed on U.S. credit bureaus. Long before the recent breach that...
How much time do your employees squander on various distractions that take their time and attention away from work? Recent surveys from staffing organizations suggest that almost half of participating employers...
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) – also known as Obamacare – was not the perfect solution to the nation’s need for affordable healthcare, but it did increase the availability of quality, affordable...
The unrelenting pace of life is a reality for many people. Mobile technology keeps us connected 24/7, and the workday seems to have no end. Sometimes we tell ourselves we can’t justify taking time off......
At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be a great difference between the definitions of a boss and that of a leader. However, if you’ve ever worked for a boss who lacked leadership skills......
After a serious setback in March, the GOP finally passed a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (often dubbed Obamacare). The bill passed after last minute changes were made to convince ultra...
Employee Retention is a Big Issue for Small Businesses
May 2017
“Our employees are our biggest asset.” It’s a well-worn phrase, and perhaps to some it’s just lip service. However, more employers and human resource professionals are recognizing......
What the Fed's Rate Hike Means for Small Businesses
April 2017
The Federal Reserve’s mid-March hike to interest rates – its second increase to base interest rates in three months – was a strong confirmation that the economy is doing well. The Fed...
During his campaign, President Trump took aim at the Tax Code, saying he intended to simplify income tax laws. There is little doubt that a tax code overhaul is on the horizon, but what is less clear is exactly what the...
Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular to help market products or services. Simply stated, a podcast consists of digital audio files posted on the Internet - files that can be downloaded by individual...
New Provision Restores Health Plan Options to Small Business Owners
January 2017
Small business owners struggling to find health plans for their staff and facing limited affordable options will welcome new provisions that again allow them access to health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)......
The ability to embrace and to adapt to change quickly and effectively is perhaps the most important issue for business owners today. Technology, politics, demographic changes and global issues continue to create......
Finding the right people to represent your business and to do the best job of selling its products or services is crucial to the financial health and well-being of your firm. Sales people have a huge......
In the ever challenging field of maximizing profits and providing top class customer service, inventory management is an often overlooked area. Perhaps its time to take a short assessment of your inventory......
Marketing Audit Is a Key Element to Business Success
September 2016
The word audit has a bad reputation. The mere mention of an audit often makes employers and business owners quake. There are lots of types of audits performed in the workplace, and......
Revised U.S./European Transfer Pact to Support $250 Billion in Digital Services
August 2016
After months of debate, European and U.S. negotiators agreed on a data transfer pact to stop European regulators from imposing restrictions on the transatlantic transfer of data......
The Internal Revenue Service believes the small business sector is a major source of under-reported income.For the past four years, the agency has run a special independent......
Clients who are slow to pay cause real problems for firms that provide them with products or services. They create more work for your staff and jeopardize mutual goodwill. If you are......
Identity theft remains one of the most pervasive crimes in the United States. As technology gets smarter, so do the scammers. Here are the most common warning signs......
For procrastinators looking for ways to avoid the important tasks in front of them, we live in dangerous times. If avoidance and procrastination is a problem for you - and for most people it is......
New Legislation Helps Tax Planning for Small Businesses
March 2016
Perhaps one of the biggest headaches for owners of small businesses involves dealing with the yearly changes to the tax code and trying to leverage tax breaks that have an expiration......
Following the Federal Reserve's decision to approve a modest interest rate increase, banking insiders anticipate that larger banks will increase their lending to small......
The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans conducted a study that revealed when health and wellness programs are executed as part of a comprehensive healthcare strategy......
Business challenges and setbacks - or even long winter days and gloomy weather - can conspire to sap employee motivation and productivity. Frequently, there are many factors...
Tip: Year-End Technology Purchases May Lower Your Tax Bill
November 2015
Before year's end, make sure you take advantage of tax deductions that are intended specifically to help reduce technology costs for small- and mid-sized businesses. Section 179 of...
Tip: Help for Small Businesses with Employee Retirement Plans
September 2015
Many small business owners are unable to offer their employees retirement savings plans because they are overwhelmed with concerns regarding current regulatory issues and...
Perhaps the toughest aspect of any job is finding ways to work smarter, not just harder. The wealth of information at our fingertips and the flood of communications - from email,...
Regardless of your profession or vocation, there are probably times when you feel overwhelmed by the amount of information available to you. Living in an age when data is as accessible...
Tip: Keep Employees Content Despite Longer Working Hours
June 2015
Most small business owners know that staying competitive means working longer hours. If you own or have an equity stake in the business, longer work days may not be such a burden because...
Tip: Intellectual Property - Protecting What is Yours
May 2015
According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, intellectual property rights allow the creators or owners of works that are patented, copyrighted or trademarked to benefit...
If you've ever hoped for an excuse to dodge a business reception or a trade show cocktail party, you know that mastering small talk is a big ordeal for many people. It's estimated that...
Tax refund fraud is on the increase. Taxpayers caught in these scams often spend months trying to resolve the problem and get the refund they deserve. Authorities...
Every new year brings its own challenges, and 2015 is no different. Many businesses and business owners will face important changes in the year ahead that they must master...
Procrastinators rarely seize the opportunity to leverage tax breaks to the max. In order to fully benefit from the range of deductions available, small business owners must...
As the year-end fast approaches, it's a good idea to invest some time and effort to conduct a review to see where your business stands and what impact the changes you encountered in 2014 had...
It's not too early to start thinking ahead and begin planning to ensure you don't miss a possible business tax deduction on next year's filing. Smart...
Recently, discussion about employee insurance has centered almost exclusively on health care and medical insurance and the government's efforts to promote...
Tip: Finding Solutions to Small Business Credit Issues
August 2014
The New York Federal Bank recently hosted a summit on small business credit innovations, bringing together experts to discuss solutions to the credit gap that small businesses...
Intellectual Property - Protecting Your Most Valuable Assets
July 2014
In today's competitive business environment fueled by the Internet and e-business, understanding what intellectual property means and finding ways to stop competitors from stealing your ideas is...
Hiring an intern for the summer can be a useful way to add temporary help during the vacation season, and a good way to find potential employees for the future. If you haven't looked for an intern before, here are a few thoughts to get you...
Small Business Administration's Loan Programs Attract More Criticism
May 2014
Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama pulled no punches in his recent criticism of the multibillion-dollar loan program administered by the Small Business Administration. He is concerned...
TIP: Stay Current on Debit Card "Swipe Fees" Appeals
April 2014
A federal appeals court ruling at the end of March will keep debit card fees charged by banks – which many small businesses consider too high – at its current level of 21...
Tip: Avoid Scrutiny as IRS Shifts Focus to Small Businesses
March 2014
Small business owners frequently prefer to set up as small business partnerships to avoid the expenses and bureaucracy involved in forming a corporation. A surge in these types...
Tip: Higher Income Earners See Changes on their Tax Returns
February 2014
There aren't too many across-the-board changes affecting taxpayers filing their 2013 returns. However, that doesn't mean there aren't any major changes - or that higher income brackets won't...
Spreading seasonal cheer without breaking the bank doesn't have to be difficult. In most instances, personal recognition, simple gifts and sincere thanks for a year of hard work are always in...
What the New SEC Regulations Really Mean to Entrepreneurs
November 2013
In the aftermath of all the crowdfunding hoopla, enthused entrepreneurs assumed that the Securities and Exchange Commission, the governing body that regulates the sale of equities, was about to...
Surefire Ways to Market Your Business When You're Strapped for Cash
September 2013
Traditional advertising and social media offer great ways to reach customers, but running an effective ad campaign requires a major budget commitment that...
For Many Small Business Owners, the Time is Right to Get a Loan
August 2013
According to data released in July by the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy, small-business lending activity is on the increase. The number of loans is on an upswing...
The recent tornados in Texas and Oklahoma remind us how vulnerable we are when disaster hits. Whether you live in tornado alley, a coastal area or inland, unexpected...
As a stock investor, or as someone who has had money in a mutual fund, you already know that investments you’ve held for longer than a year and sold for a profit are subject to lower tax...
TIP: Navigating the New Capital Gains Taxes - Don't Go It Alone
March 2013
It's hard to make a definitive statement about how the new capital gains tax laws will affect investors. The new system is extremely daunting. Without...
Most of the press coverage of the fiscal cliff tax debates that concluded 2012 centered on income tax revisions, higher taxation rates for the wealthy...
Tip: Make at Least One New Year's Resolution for 2013
January 2013
Many of us shy away from New Year's resolutions. We avoid vowing to make January 1 the start of a set of healthy life choices in favor of trying to set personal goals throughout the year....
With so many tax laws up in the air, year-end tax planning is more challenging than ever this year. Changes to the tax code are on the horizon, and almost all taxpayers will be affected if...
Trying to make business or investment decisions based on whether the Bush tax cuts will expire on Dec. 31 is like rolling the dice. But there is little or no speculation required when it comes to...
Most small business owners have to make every dollar in their marketing budget count. Easier said than done in a world that offers such a variety of high-tech and traditional marketing tools. Maximizing...
Tip: Making the Leap from Entrepreneur to Successful Leader
September 2012
The very assets that make entrepreneurs successful can turn into handicaps when their business ventures take off and they assume the role of boss. Going from being responsible for everything...
TIP: Tax-Savvy Ways to Help Pay for Grandkids' College Expenses
August 2012
There’s more than one way to help pay a grandchild’s college expenses, and all of them come with tax benefits. Here’s a run through of some options. As always, consult...
The recent commencement speech by David McCullough demonstrates how powerful the spoken word can be. The Wellesley High School English teacher gave the commencement address that rapidly gained...
TIP: Taxes, Healthcare, Federal Regulations Key Issues for Small Business Owners
June 2012
The end of May marked National Small Business Week, and the National Federation of Independent Business marked the event by identifying key issues facing small business owners...
Tip: What Does the JOBS Act Mean For Your Small Business?
May 2012
The JOBS Act – short for Jumpstart Our Business Start-Ups – became law in early April. The bipartisan effort combines six smaller bills that changed the Securities and Exchange...
If you enjoy the adrenaline rush of the eleventh-hour dash but have cut it too close to get your 2011 tax return completed by April 17, relax. File an extension...
There are some important things to understand about tax Form 1040 before preparing your 2011 return. As always, there are many changes and variables that will affect your return....
It’s time to start thinking about your 2011 tax return. Changes to the tax code are never simple, and figuring out how to take advantage of tax breaks can be tricky. This year, new additions...
It might be cliché, but beginning the year with renewed enthusiasm and new goals can be a major boost to business success and an excellent way to get back to business basics. Instead of making unrealistic...
According to a recent survey taken by the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp., 40 percent of small businesses worldwide want to be trading internationally by 2013. Firms both large and small are daunted...
Studying the headlines every day for clues to the economy can be a frustrating process, and trying to figure out what works best in today’s economy can be exhausting. Relax. Surviving...
Tip: Tax Breaks for Hiring Disabled; Crackdown on Hiring of Illegal Workers
September 2011
In response to National Disability Employment Month, which is observed in October, private sector nonprofit organizations are encouraging small business owners...
LIFO Accounting Method Targeted: Small Businesses Fight Repeal
August 2011
A proposal to eliminate the Last In, First Out (LIFO) accounting system has generated alarm and protests from several major industry associations, including the National Federation of Independent Business. The...
Tip: Update on IRS Revised Guidelines for Overseas Accounts
July, 2011
The IRS has extended its deadline for U.S. taxpayers to enter a voluntary disclosure program regarding their offshore foreign bank accounts. The IRS decided to extend its initial Aug. 31 deadline by as many...
It’s been two years since the economy hit a rough patch, and – although we are in recovery mode now – progress is slow, and many small business owners are still feeling the...
Whether recording prior periods’ transactions or preparing clients’ tax returns, accountants’ lives consist mainly of looking back at historical transactions, though simply recording those is not going to make a business...
Many entrepreneurs had their share of bad bosses before setting up their own business operations. Trying not to fall into the bad habits of others – or avoiding your own versions – can be a challenge, especially...
This is the time of year when you gather your business records, personal receipts and notes before discussing what you might owe Uncle Sam with your professional tax consultant. It seems as...
After months of uncertainty regarding possible tax cut extensions, we now know which breaks have been extended and which ones have hit the deck. Here’s how the major changes stack up...
Even though it’s now 2011, completing and filing taxes for 2010 is just beginning. While we all know that charitable donations are an ideal way to reduce your tax...
Deficit Reduction: An Update on Capitol Hill Happenings
December, 2010
Deficit reduction is the hot topic in Washington with reports already released by the President’s bipartisan deficit commission and the bipartisan Rivlin-Domenici Debt Reduction Task Force. Co-chaired...
Tip: Take Full Advantage of Tax Breaks in Small Business Jobs Act
November, 2010
The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 is intended to provide some welcome tax relief to businesses, with the hope of spurring growth and job creation. Many of these provisions are set to expire after 2011....
Tip: The R&D Tax Credit Might Benefit Your Business
October, 2010
In mid-September, President Obama proposed expanding the research and development of a tax credit that was first enacted in 1981 – and making the benefit permanent. The provision,...
One of life's many ironies is that you need a solid marketing budget when economic times require you (and everyone else) to tighten the purse strings. To be effective, marketing requires the right mix of reach and frequency - or to put...
$30 Billion Fund to Boost Lending, Provide Tax Breaks to Small Businesses
August, 2010
Obtaining bank credit - one of the toughest problems facing many small business owners - could get easier soon thanks to a $30 billion credit funding program designed to address the decline in lending to small businesses. This is...
Update: New Rules Create Grandfathering Conundrum in Healthcare Reform
July, 2010
No one expected the healthcare overhaul to be simple. The new regulatory standards governing employer-sponsored plans that were announced in June could mean that as many as 39 percent to 69 percent of employer-sponsored plans...
Recent surveys undertaken by the National Federation of Independent Businesses and Wells Fargo reveal an uptick in business owners' optimism. The gains in confidence reported in both surveys were...
Sometimes in these days of twittering and instant messaging, it is tempting to question whether business plans are obsolete. The answer is a resounding no. Without a business plan, your ideas, financial...
Tip: What Health care Reform Means to You - An Overview
April, 2010
Given the historic nature of the health care reform legislation, we should not be surprised that all the details will not be worked out for awhile. As part of what became a two-part process, the president...
IRS Launches Crackdown on Use of Contractor Workers
March, 2010
President Obama's budget for 2011 will bring yet more scrutiny of businesses that use independent contractors to minimize labor costs. This year the IRS will audit 2,000 companies for...
Tax filing deadlines will be here before we know it. Here's an update on new deductions and some unresolved issues that might affect your tax bill. As always,...
As the New Year dawns, it might be time to take an honest appraisal of your business and set some goals for improved cash flow and profitability. Here are a few thoughts for you to...
The Worker, Homeownership and Business Assistance Act, signed into law in early November 2009, gives a valuable tax break to businesses that have incurred net operating losses in 2009. Under the general rule, a business owner is permitted...
Its not too soon to be thinking about your taxes for 2009. First, it might be time to sit down with your tax professional to see if there are some tax perks out there that would benefit your small business. Second,...
Tip: Successful Branding of Your Products or Services
October, 2009
You don't need the financial resources of a large company to brand your products or services successfully. Branding is nothing more than a consistent, simple marketing message that tells prospective buyers what makes...
Tip: Revised SBA 504 Loan Program Designed To Get Credit Moving
September, 2009
Recognizing that small business is the bedrock of the economic recovery, the Small Business Administration has made changes to its lending programs recently. The latest initiative is a permanent change...
Money is tight these days, but if you are in the market for a new vehicle, now is the time to buy. Apart from the great discounts available at dealerships with General Motors and Chrysler vehicles in the lot...
Most small-business organizations in the U.S. agree that the health-care system needs a major overhaul. But when it comes to the remedy, opinions vary. Some leading small-business groups recently announced...
Retirees, or people on the verge of retirement, have seen their retirement savings dwindle during the recent economic downturn. Many people are no longer in a position to bolster the incomes of adult children with cash gifts, or to...
Consumers and businesses alike are looking for ways to cut their budgets and, as a result, businesses in every sector have seen sales diminish. Cutting prices might seem like the fastest way to boost sales, but is it the smartest...
There is still time to do a review with your tax professional to make sure you are maximizing all your options for cutting your 2008 tax bill. There’s absolutely no time to waste—so here are some 11th hour tips and...
Taxpayers and small business owners got some good news with the passage of the economic stimulus bill, which Congress passed in mid-February. Now is a good time to consult...
Economists believe that we should expect slow growth for the first quarter of 2009 and some believe that this pattern might extend into the second quarter, too. Spending cut-backs, tough economic times, and consumer caution are challenges...
Recognizing that many seniors saw their IRA balances hurt by the stock market plunge, Congress has provided some relief by suspending the minimum required distribution (MRD) rules for 2009. This move is...
A new president in the White House in January will mean changes are coming and that it’s time to sit down now with your professional tax advisor to talk about your 2008 returns. There are several...
TIP: Don’t Overlook Bailout’s Personal Tax Break Provisions
November 2008
Regardless of who’ll be in the White House next year, our new president, facing spiraling federal deficits, will find it tough to meet personal tax-cut pledges. It’s even more important...
Has the credit crunch affected small business more than large corporations? It’s safe to say that small businesses won’t be seeing the same bail-outs that the big financial institutions...
TIP: The New Housing Act –An Early Trick or Treat from Congress?
September 2008
The federal tax changes in The Housing Act (or to give it its proper title: The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Act of 2008), are intended to staunch the flow of housing foreclosures, but some changes could sting certain homeowners. You may...
It’s the little things that add up…and that is doubly true when it comes to running a small business and cutting back on spending. It’s true that there may be some areas...
TIP: Tax Payer Friendly Amendments Give Vacation Home Owners A Break
July 2008
If you have been considering selling a vacation home that you rent out and use for yourself too, and you’re (justifiably) leery of incurring a big tax hit, a recent move—IRS Revenue Procedure 2008-16 that extends...
Things are tough all over. As a direct result of the crisis precipitated by bad housing loans, even people with good credit ratings are finding it tough to borrow money to fund their business ventures. Experts...
TIP: Use Your 1040 To Help Cut Next Year’s Tax Bill
May 2008
Whether or not you are breathing a sigh of relief now that tax time is over, it might be worthwhile taking another look at your 1040 before consigning it to your filing cabinet. Why? Well for starters, your...
It’s been about 7 years since we experienced an economic downturn. Economists believe that the boom is over and that we’re in one right now. Small businesses tend to feel...
Scarcely a month goes by without the media revealing yet another security breach that has hobbled a company or compromised its customers’ financial security. Whether it is Société Générale’s recent...
TIP: Find Out Which Tax Changes Are Important For You
February 2008
Each tax season brings new legislation and updates that affect individual and small business tax filers. This year brings more changes than usual. The...
TIP: Boost Productivity With These Five Simple Tips
January 2008
As every business owner knows, being busy and working long hours doesn’t always translate into progress and productivity. Perhaps more than any other business executives, small business owners fall victim to a...
’Tis the season to get busy …but not too busy to think about saving money on next year’s tax bill, and doing a few year-end tasks that might just save you plenty. Here are a few things to consider, but remember that these year-end tax...
A retirement plan can do wonders when it comes to recruiting, and retaining, good employees. If you don’t have anything in place, or if your current plan is not very...
Tip: Successful Selling For Service-Oriented Firms
October 2007
Techniques that help sell products just don’t work when it comes to professional services. Services are usually tailored to meet the needs of specific clients, and...
We’ve all heard it— networking is the way to build your business. For many people, even experienced entrepreneurs, this is much easier said than done. Few of us really...
Any business owner who has to “pitch” ideas— whether it’s for an advertising campaign to a prospective client, or a new product to a possible business partner...
TIP: Stay Informed as Health Care Reform Looms Large…Again
June 2007
It’s been more than a decade since politicians geared up to debate health care reform, but now with health care costs soaring and more than 45 million...
How do you keep good employees when you can’t match the salary or benefits of the larger corporate competitors down the street? For a start, you can take...
As tax filing deadlines draw closer, the specter of an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service looms larger. Small business owners suffer from...
Online security is everyone's business. Whether your company is large or small, you're at risk of security breaches orchestrated by hackers, or from data theft from former...
Many of us - regardless of how much we earn - struggle to make our money go further or to boost retirement savings, fund a new business venture, or buy that dream house. Here...
Time is running out, but there is still time to pare down your tax liabilities for 2006. Many of the ideas listed below require you to take action before...
With year-end approaching, it’s not too soon to be thinking about tax time. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has given taxpayers notice that it intends to continue to enforce...
Instant messaging has been around for about 10 years. To most teenagers, instant messaging is essential for communicating with friends and family. It may surprise you to know...
In response to the foiled terrorist effort that targeted commercial transatlantic jetliners, airports increased security measures and airlines cancelled and consolidated...
Tough as it is to sell and market your services or products, no matter how good a sales person you are, you won’t get rich - or even stay solvent - unless you know how to...
TIP: Leverage Tax Breaks to Offset The High Cost of Healthcare
July 2006
For many people, claiming an itemized deduction on Schedule A of their 1040 for out-of -pocket medical expenses is the sum total of their efforts to...
TIP: Minimize Estate And Gift Taxes For Your Heirs
June 2006
When it comes to tax-saving strategies to keep more of your family business’ assets out of Uncle Sam’s hands, it pays to start the planning process as early as you can. It’s tough when...
TIP: Looking For Press Coverage? Try Thinking Like An Editor
May 2006
As any successful sales person will tell you: "selling someone" on a product fails more often than not. On the other hand - if you provide your prospective client with a...
Under-pricing is a common problem among small business owners, and giving customers a deal that is just too sweet may torpedo your firm - no matter how...
TIP: Tackling the Self-Employment Tax Burden on Husband-and-Wife Business Owners
March 2006
A married couple, whose partnership also involves running an unincorporated business together, face some special tax challenges. The way the federal self-employment...
It’s time to start thinking about your personal income taxes...and your deductions for 2005. Without a little planning and forethought, it is easy to overlook...
TIP: Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance May Boost Your Business
January 2006
Private companies - and most small businesses - are not required to comply with the governance changes resulting from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - legislation...
TIP: Stay Current on Deferred Compensation Tax Rules; IRS Clarifies Changes But Pitfalls Remain
December 2005
Despite clarifications issued in September 2005, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has yet to resolve all the issues resulting from recent reform of tax regulations...
TIP: WiMAX Launch Expected To Spur Innovation And New Products
September 2005
If you have been waiting with bated breath for the long-anticipated launch of broadband access for users in remote locations or urban "dead" spots, there is light...
Tax breaks for summer fun... sounds too good to be true? Maybe not, if your plans for kids and family this summer meet the key criteria below. As always, consult your...
TIP: Stay Tuned For… Truly Flexible Health Care Benefits
July 2005
If you’ve been irked by the "use-it-or-lose-it" restrictions that deter employees from making use of flexible health care spending accounts, stay tuned. Moves...
If on-line scams and schemes have made you understandably wary of surfing the Internet, take heart and check out the latest offering from Consumers Union. A not-for-profit venture...
TIP: Be Prepared-For The Inevitable...And For Life's Surprises
May 2005
The Schiavo story demonstrates how important it is to have a medical directive - signed documents that state your wishes in the event of catastrophic illness or an accident that prevent you from communicating...
If your New Year's resolutions didn't make it past the first quarter of 2005, don't despair. Launch a spring makeover of your finances, based on practical ideas with sound...
TIP: Don't Miss Out On Tax Write-Offs - Hints For Entrepreneurs
March 2005
There's been plenty of good news recently for small business owners and for sole proprietors who file a Schedule C with their tax returns. However, many of the...
TIP: The Alternative Minimum Tax - Forewarned is Forearmed
February 2005
The alternative minimum tax (AMT) was originally intended to make sure that the wealthy did not wriggle out of paying income taxes. It targeted a fairly small...
Your to-do list for the Holiday Season may seem endless, but our quick business tax checklist is worth your time. These moves can help minimize your tax liability...
There’s nothing you can do to avoid random selection for a tax audit, but there’s plenty you can do to minimize the likelihood that the taxman will select your income...
Tip- Understanding Your Real Estate Tax Assessment
October 2004
If you own property in the U.S., you pay taxes on it. Tax rates vary from state to state, and from neighborhood to neighborhood, but real estate taxes are an inescapable reality for...
Cash Management Basics For Small Business Operators
September 2004
If you are in business to make a profit, successful cash management is perhaps the most important aspect of your enterprise. Sound like a no-brainer? Perhaps...
It is very likely -if it hasn’t happened already- that someone in your family will need a helping hand. Maybe it is a child who is buying a first home, a grandkid that needs help with education expenses, or a...
Getting through to potential customers has never been an easy business. In the "old" days, the obstacles were human, in the form of receptionists, personal secretaries and assistants. Now in...
The road to financial hell is paved with good intentions. And, conversely, for most of us the path to financial independence or wealth is all about action - simple, consistent action. However, simple doesn’t...
May 2004
Human resource professionals frequently cite lack of training as a major factor in employee turnover and suggest that continuing education programs and...
If your New Year’s resolution to attain "balance" in your life has died on the vine, or your plans to tackle tension with regular exercise have evaporated, it may be time...
It has been said that smart business people learn from their mistakes-even smarter ones learn from the errors of others. Last year’s spate of high profile lawsuits and embarrassing public disclosures...
Auto manufacturers are anxious to help dealers move inventory, and auto leases -- a major trend in the late ’90s-- are back in vogue. If you think leasing might work for you, here are a few pointers to make...
If you want to make 2004 your most successful year in terms of new business, read on. Here are five tips to make your sales pitch efforts more focused and...
December 2003
If your year-end resolutions include brushing up on sales techniques, read on. High achievers in any sales force share certain key characteristics.
The best sales...
November 2003
The tax cuts announced in May lowered the top tax rate on dividends to 15 percent from
38.6 percent. It sounds pretty straightforward doesn’t it? However, when...
As anyone with an Internet connection knows, there is no shortage of individuals and enterprises offering small business owners the keys to success. The problem is most of these “mines of information” are...
The bad news is—it’s not your imagination. You, along with some 50 million other Americans with email service, are receiving more junk email—or spam-- as it is commonly known. According to technology experts,...
If you are enjoying the advantages of the federal tax benefits that accrue when you use 529 savings plan to fund your children’s college plans, take note. You may end up paying more in state taxes...
Act Quickly to Take Advantage of Greater Tax Write-Offs
July 2003
The $350 billion tax cut signed into law in May offers a significant boost in federal write-offs for companies that buy equipment ranging from computers to...
Are you one of millions of shoppers regularly cheating your state treasury out of tax revenue? Probably. And it's even more likely that you don't even realize you're breaking...
For next year’s return – if you have money coming back to you - consider direct deposit. This may save you considerable time in getting your refund back. It also eliminates...
Dependants: Did you know you can deduct dependents, even if they are not a relative? If the person lives with you and you provide more than half of her or his support, you can list them as a dependant. However...
The IRS will issue guidance next month on penalty relief for taxpayers who took necessary steps to prepare for the date change to the year 2000 (Y2K) but were unable to comply with the tax laws due to problems beyond their...